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Diversity and Inclusion board member joins, welcome Jane McCarthy

Welcome to Jane McCarthy who is announced as the latest Bulls advisory board member.

Jane’s earliest knowledge of football was going with her dad to Rochdale AFC. She was aged about 6 or 7 and it was all about the Bovril and the meat pies and not just the football back then! Her father later joined the Rochdale AFC board and Jane spent many happy days at the club and to this day and continues to enjoy games and share memories with friends at the Rochdale AFC.

Following a successful and senior career working in Financial Services, Jane is a graduate of the Sports Business Institute of Barcelona in Sports Business & Management and the VSI/GIS CEO in Sports Programme. She is also a Board Member of England Lacrosse and has served on previous boards as a charitable trustee, strategic advisor, and school governor.

Jane stated “I am so excited to be part of this. I remember seeing YTS footballer contracts being cancelled at the end of the season and the players honestly didn’t know where to go or what to do next. It was so tough for all involved. This is such an amazing way to retain talent enthusiasm and make the sport a better place to be”.

Spencer stated “I am absolutely delighted that Jane has joined our advisory board and will be driving forward diversity and inclusion within our club. Jane has fantastic knowledge in business and sport and will undertake a really important role for us. We have now concluded the advisory board (for now) and I am sure many observers will agree, is a fantastic board of people who are all giving up their time to create opportunities to enable young people progress in the game they love. I am really looking forward to our first advisory board meeting next Tuesday”

Jane McCarthy

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